Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pinky Debunks People's Top News Stories

Today we add a new feature to Thinking Pink called Pinky Debunks People's Top News Stories.As we all know, the staff at People.com have some pretty ridiculous ideas about what makes a top news story. Let's take a look at today's Top Five, shall we?Well, anything other than having sex with tattooed porn stars who call themselves "Bombshell." Or motorcycles. Or sexting. Or idolizing Tiger Woods. Anything else, Sandra beats. But not those things. Guess what? No one cares. I would rather scrape out my eyeballs than look at that woman for one more second. Who? Oh, the hot girl in Wayne's World? Why don't you just say that? Who even knew (read: cared) that she was married in the first place? How is this news?

I keep seeing this name and I have no idea who Erin Andrews is. Should I know? Is she dating Bradley Cooper or someone famous? Why is someone trying to kill her? For being unknown?

Um, hasn't Nicollette Sheridan been off of Desperate Housewives for like ten years? How is this top news (or any news for that matter)? Way to be relevant and timely, Nicollette. No, seriously, nicely done. I'm sure you'll win BIG money. Perhaps they'll throw in a Rubick's cube if you're lucky (get it, because she's so behind the times?).

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