Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Outrage + Bright Star = Entertainment

Last night I watched two movies from my Netflix queue. Try not to be jealous of my action-packed life. Making cards and watching movies on a Tuesday night? Ridiculously fun. The first film was called Outrage and it was a documentary about closeted gay politicians. It was so interesting to hear the interviews of those who'd been in the closet and come out - and then compare it to those who are still closeted (and voting aggressively anti-gay as some sort of statement?). It was something I didn't know too much about, so I found the whole film really interesting. Next on my list was Bright Star about John Keats and his romance with Fanny Brawne. I'm a sucker for love stories and period pieces (especially early century), so I found the film quite satisfying. Of course, I also had my DVD remote at the ready to fast forward the lulls. I kept trying to rememberi what Inge and Tracie told me about this film - that it was slow? Sad? I'm not sure.. I took care of the slow part with my remote, but the sad part....well, yeah. It was sad. Beautiful story, though. I was quite engrossed with the characters and storyline.

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