Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Only 30 More Shopping Days Left

With the passing of my beloved Ricky Schroder's birthday comes the realization that the eighth anniversary of my 29th birthday is less than a month away. As you'll only have limited time to shop, I thought I'd help you out with some suggestions. :) Aren't I nice? In no particular order, here are the things I currently need in order to survive:My grown-up "big girl" purse just crapped out on me, so I'm in the market for a new purse yet again. My requirements are simple: pink, Hello Kitty (if possible), big enough for my iPhone, but not so big as to be confused with a diaper bag. Easy, right?Who doesn't need the first season of Glee on DVD? It's the gift that keeps on giving!Of course, nothing says "you're the best" like cold, hard cash. My California fund could always use some extra donations. :) ha ha. Now, those are just a few kind suggestions. So as not to have another Snuggie incident, here are the things I DO NOT need to receive ever again: While it's true I love my Snuggie, I think four at Christmas was more than enough.
I have enough candles to light up a Catholic church. Plus, now I'm into Scentsy's so I just melt the wax.I need to find a way to donate my bath products because I have so many I could open Pinky's Bath Supplies from the Pink Palace right now. Seriously. It's ridiculous.
Now get out there and shop. Stat! :)

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