Monday, April 19, 2010

One Year Later....Moving Along...

So, you know I don't like to drone on and on about AFMF (well, anymore, that is), but sometimes it's hard for me not to dwell on how well things were going last year. Especially right now. Especially this month - because at this point last year, AFMF and I were the strongest we'd ever been. I love you's were exchanged, we were talking about trying to have a baby, and the dreaded boyfriend/girlfriend talk had been had. We didn't just see each other once in awhile, we were seeing each other at least three times a day by the end (once in the morning when I left for work, once during the workday, and then after work). And then one day, as quickly as it all started, it was over. Yes, I'm a lot more emotionally grounded now and I can even get through an entire day (or even months) without crying over him, but it's been a struggle. I still miss him. I still wonder how he's doing and wish him well. I'm not sure when/if that will ever go away. Maybe it doesn't have to. As time goes by and I'm left with the happy memories (and not as much of the bad), I can look back and see what was learned and why he was in my life to begin with. I did learn a lot and I'm grateful for that. I'll be better prepared the next time I'm in a relationship and I owe a lot of that to AFMF. But one year ago.....sigh....

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