Thursday, April 29, 2010

Olivia Newton-Awesome

It's no secret that I triple love Olivia Newton-John. She's amazing. She's beautiful. She's Sandy, for goodness sakes. I must've watched her music videa for "Physical" approximately 247 times and I sang "Twist of Fate" for my class talent show in fifth grade (there's even proof on tape....hopefully one that will never resurface). In fact, the very first movie I saw in a theater was Xanadu and I thought the seven sisters coming to life from the mural was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen (it's not hard to impress a seven-year-old).Olivia Newton-John is just the coolest thing ever. I can't help it. I want to grow up and be her. So, you can imagine my delight to learn that she'll be guest starring on Glee next week. Wahoo! She's also touring this summer with Colbie Caillat (which is an interesting little pairing).Still, my favorite part she ever played with Sandy on Grease. That movie rocks my world. And when she gets all sexy in the end? Wow. Where do I get one of those cat suits?Oh, look - here they are: Danny and Sandy 25 years later. Yikes. What the hell happened to Danny Zuko? He looks like he might've been captured by some aliens and forced to convert to their weird religion. Oh, wait....

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