Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday Monday

Ugh. Monday. Why does it have to be such a miserable day? I fear that even if the week were to magically start on Tuesday, then every Tuesday would suck. My motivation is, sadly, lacking in a major way. I'd much rather be in bed. I watched McP on Friday night and McP is majorly McSick, so I fear this cold creeping in isn't going away anytime soon. Blurgh. At least it's sunny out....for the moment. Of courser, tomorrow it's scheduled to snow again - what the heck? Enough already. I keep having dreams about waitressing - what's that about? I'm always super busy in my dreams and can never get caught up. Some metaphor of some type perhaps? Hmmm. I'd say Happy Monday, but, you know, it's still Monday. Nothing happy about that.

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