Friday, April 30, 2010

The First Step Is Admitting You Have A Problem

So, at what point do I check myself into a Rehab for bath products (specifically lotions)? At this rate, I can moisturize an entire country with the products in my possession. The biggest question: Where would I dispose of them? It seems wasteful to throw them all away, but at the same time, there's no way I'm ever going to use it all up. For heaven's sake, I've still got over 20 bottles of Hello, Sugar! While I do still love it (years later, my obsession lives on), I don't see me using those when I'm 83 years old (then again, a sparkly lemon-scented senior citizen can't be a bad thing). Do you donate them to charity? Pass them out to homeless people? Regift half-used bottles (no, of course not - that would be a total FAIL)? Suggestions?


  1. How about use them for door prizes at Enrichment meeting? :)

  2. The YWCA will take them esp to give to the woman around mothers day. :)
