Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Wednesday Edition

Hello and welcome to Wednesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. Girlfriend, you are a hot mess. I know those lights are hot, but sweating so profusely is not very attractive. Perhaps touring isn't the right move for you.
For some reason, J. Lo's dress looks like it has some sort of superhero logo on it to me. I wonder what kind of superhero she'd be? Heartbreaker? Big butt punisher? Movie flopper?Shouldn't Lindsay be happy that anyone still wants to take her picture? Why does she always look so pissed off?Beyonce, that bathing suit is a world of no. And the hair? I thought you were supposed to be a diva.YUM. You know, I've never been a huge Beckham fan, but pictures like this make me reconsider. Wowsa.

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