Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Wednesday Edition

Hello and welcome to Wednesday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. Did you hear that? It was the sound of my heart skipping a beat. *sigh*
Nic, sweetie, we've talked about this. What the hell are you doing to yourself? Are you really trying to make me break up with you? I simply cannot tolerate your wigs, let alone a blonde one. Blech. Knock it off already. No one thinks you're funny.Didn't Sinead O'Connor used to be pretty? Now she just looks homeless.One of these things is not like the other.....well, Tori, sweetie, you tried, right? You did a much better job at matching your shirt with your husband's (gag).
I'm dying. Look at baby Tabitha's little hock legs. SO cute! The sad thing is she probably weighs more than SJP.

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