Thursday, April 8, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Friday Edition

Hello and welcome to Friday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. Wow. I have no words. There must be a magician working on Bradley Cooper's new movie because who else could make him look unattractive? I just want to take him to a barber shop and fix it.Holy cuteness, SJP! I think her baby is definitely going to grow up to be a cheerleader. She's already practicing her "star" jump.Oh, Malin (pronounced annoyingly MAH-lin). I can't tell which is more disturbing - your bobble head on your stick figure body, or the icky black things around your jeans. FAIL.Hey George - Magnum P.I. called. He'd like his shirt back.
Is it just me, or does J. Lo appear to be wearing a coat made out of owls? Where's PETA when you need them?

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