Friday, April 23, 2010

Blah Blah

Friday, I've missed you. Why must it take so long for you to return? Do you know what I love almost as much as Fridays? Coldstone ice cream. It's like heaven on earth. The other day, as I was getting my standard (cake batter with cookie dough and Reese's), I tried out their new flavor: Oreo filling. Yeah, I might have a new favorite. I mean, ice cream that tastes like the inside of an Oreo cookie? Mark me down for a YES.Congratulations, Amanda. Too bad you're still a bitch (yes, I said that out loud on purpose).The only plan for my weekend? To see The Back-Up Plan at some point. I know, I know, it's J. Lo and probably completely predictable, but I can't help it. I'm a sucker for romantic comedies.

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