Thursday, April 8, 2010

Back in the BYU Hood

Yesterday I spent the afternoon with family celebrating my aunt's retirement from BYU. Yes, this meant I actually had to step foot back on the hallowed halls I left long ago - miracle of all miracles, I wasn't arrested for being on campus or struck down by the Honor Police. It was strange to be back, as that "little" campus used to be my entire world. Of course, that was, what 19 years ago. How is that possible? Where does the time go? It was fun to meet my uncle's sister, Eileen, who used to live with my mom and aunt when they were all at BYU. I've heard stories from their college days my entire life - it was great to see them all together again. Afterwards, we ate at Brick Oven and were basically ignored by the staff. Their service gets a huge FAIL in my mind. It's a good thing their ranch dressing is so good. It almost makes up for their shoddy service.

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