Friday, April 30, 2010
Pinky's Fandance - Kevin Kline
Although he doesn't look particularly friendly in this picture, Kevin Kline was actually quite lovely in person. He was funny and personable and smoked while chatting with the fans.
I've always wanted to meet Kevin; I was thrilled to get the chance this year.
The First Step Is Admitting You Have A Problem
So, at what point do I check myself into a Rehab for bath products (specifically lotions)? At this rate, I can moisturize an entire country with the products in my possession.
The biggest question: Where would I dispose of them? It seems wasteful to throw them all away, but at the same time, there's no way I'm ever going to use it all up. For heaven's sake, I've still got over 20 bottles of Hello, Sugar! While I do still love it (years later, my obsession lives on), I don't see me using those when I'm 83 years old (then again, a sparkly lemon-scented senior citizen can't be a bad thing). Do you donate them to charity? Pass them out to homeless people? Regift half-used bottles (no, of course not - that would be a total FAIL)? Suggestions?

Celebrity Wrap Up - Sunday Edition
Hello and welcome to Sunday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Despite all evidence to the contrary, Melissa George is, in fact, NOT a midget. Weird camera angle. And outfit. And hat.
Who knew that one day Madonna would grow up and look prim and proper while her daughter looked like a regular grungy teen?
Somewhere out there, Judy Jetson is naked.
Did Jessica Alba think that her cute peacock dress would make up for the fact that a Flowbee cut her hair?

I think Gwyneth Paltrow purposely picks Gladiator shoes to somehow fug up her outfits. What other explanation could there be?
Weekly Recap
As this workweek (finally) comes to an end, I thought we'd revisit and introduce some of the weekly wins and fails that have arisen this week:
Morgan Spurlock + Ian Ziering = WIN
They are awesome and amazing.
Domino's Pizza + Rubio's = WIN
I took some time to write to several eating establishments that I've been less than thrilled with lately. Both Domino's and Rubio's were very apologetic and sent free coupons to make up for it.
News report of actual aliens = FAIL
Incest = FAIL
This 72-year-old grandmother met her grandson and was immediately attracted to him. Since she didn't know him growing up, apparently it was OK to start a relationship with him and now they're expecting a baby from a surrogate. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! How does not knowing someone as a child make it OK for incest in any stage? It makes my stomach turn.

Victoria's Secret Curl Hair Products = WIN

This is an actual screenshot of a news report that was advertised during the TV show V. Um.....
Stupid people in the workplace = FAIL

Yesterday I was asked the most ridiculous question that it took everything out of me to respond without saying DUH. Seriously, how to some people even get dressed in the morning?

Brick Oven = FAIL
Not only was our service piss poor at Brick Oven a few weeks ago, but they had NO RESPONSE to my complaint in person or via their website. Nice way to make your customers feel important, jerks.
Pinky's Fandance - Couple's Edition
OK, OK, I Caved - Finally Watched Avatar

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition
Hello and welcome to Saturday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Fergie is so freaking cool. Who else could get away with a matchy matchy black leather outfit with spikes (including a matching purse)?
Didn't Chynna used to be somewhat attractive? She looks like she just escaped from a mental institution.
Wow, that is one....interesting earring/feather/distraction you've got going there, Carla. It makes me want to tug it.
Did Kate Hudson wrap a sheet around her skirt and think she was good to go?

This is about the 158th picture I've seen of someone holding Knox on the balcony. They've got six kids - why is he the only one who gets to hang out like that? Isn't his twin sister Vivienne jealous?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Olivia Newton-Awesome

Pinky's Fandance - Couple's Edition
In my crazed and sleep-deprived state last night, I started watching Crazy Heart on my iPhone. In honor of this, I thought we'd focus on one of the stars - Maggie Gyllenhaal (why does it always look like I'm spelling that wrong??).
I met Maggie at Sundance when she was promoting her movie SherryBaby. She sat on the edge of the theater, so I was able to make my way over to her fairly easily.
Migraine, Migraine Go Away - Never Return Another Day

Celebrity Wrap Up - Friday Edition
Hello and welcome to Friday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Kate Hudson's costume is quite festive, no? Wait, what's that? It's not a costume? She was actually walking the red carpet dressed up as some sort of modern boxy Easter egg? My bad.
This is why I love Matt Damon - he just looks like an Everyman. When I met him he was wearing a hat just like this and was in a crowd of people; I didn't even know it was him.
I read an article the other day that said for every day Brad Pitt doesn't shave his hideous beard, George Clooney will donate money to the charity of his choice. Crap. Knowing Brad and his do-gooding we'll have to look at that beard for the rest of his natural born life. Fail.

They could save the cheerleader, but not her hair, huh? Hayden does realize she's not even 20 yet, right? Perhaps she's trying to channel Madonna?
Holy crap! Who put a bird's nest on J. Lo's head? Someone who hates her, obviously.

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