Saturday, March 6, 2010

Why Am I Cutting Off The Heads?

After all this time, you'd think I'd be a master of my camera and the self-portrait shot. However, for some reason I've been cutting off people's heads lately. Fail. David Arquette starred in the play with Annette "The Witch" Benning. When I asked my friend Adam if David would take pictures, his exact words were, "Oh, honey, David would do your laundry if you asked." So funny. True to form, David was incredibly nice - although had I not been looking for him, I would've missed him since he blended in with the crowd. I love when they ask me my name (even though I'm sure they won't remember it - the thought is nice). McH was hoping David would be in one of his wild outfits, but he looked pretty tame. Really nice, though.

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