Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rehab Does Not = Redemption

What do Jesse "Cheater" James, Tiger "Sexter" Woods and Charlie "Crazy" Sheen have in common (aside from their ugly mugs being on the cover of countless tabloids)? All of these idiots have committed heinous acts and then entered "rehab" as though it was some cure-all to being an asshole. Today's top story on (seriously, People, you need to get some actual reporting done....this is not a top news story):Does anyone actually care? The biggest surprise of this entire debacle is that Sandra Bullock married him to begin with. The fact that he hooked up with a bevy of tramps while married isn't shocking, just stupid. I wonder if Jesse's tramps, Tiger's whores, and Charlie's call girls ever over-lapped? I'd like to meet the girl who did them all. Well, not meet her per se....just make fun of her.

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