Sunday, March 7, 2010

Quit Yer Cryin' Baba Wawa

I don't like Barbara Walters. Never have. Never will. I find her obnoxious, lame, and condescending and I'd much rather watch people make fun of her on SNL than watch anything she's on. Still, since it was her LAST big Oscar special, I sucked it up and *tried* to watch. Wow, there's an hour of my life I'll never get back. What the hell is wrong with her? No one wants to hear her cry about being "tired" of this. Really? Is your life so hard, Baba Wawa? It must be awful to get to interview all these fascinating people. My eyes are really crying for you. Shut your pie hole and get off my TV screen. No one wants to watch you anyway. Now beat it.

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