Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Picture FAIL: Daphne Zuniga

Sometimes I'm a complete and total moron. Shocking, I know. When I was in LA last month and we first got to the charity celeb event, I suppose I was a little overzealous in trying to recognize people (hey, you never know who'll walk by). For this reason, I jumped at the chance to get a picture with Jesse Garcia, thinking it was the first time I'd met him. Wrong. Apparently he was the same guy who winked at me after Quincinera premiered at Sundance a million years ago. Now, granted, repeats are fine, but missing a golden opportunity sucks.What am I referring to, you ask? Apparently, while I was getting the duplicate picture with Jesse, Daphne freaking Zuniga walked by me. Daphne Zuniga! The one and only Jo the photographer from the original Melrose Place!!! GAH!!! How did I miss that? Of course I obsessed about it the rest of night (who, me?), but alas, she never came out. Blast! Major picture FAIL.

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