Friday, March 19, 2010

An Open Letter to Sandra Oh

Dear Sandra Oh,
My favorite show in the entire world is Grey's Anatomy. I love it; can't get enough. As one of the main characters on the show, you can only imagine my delight to see you coming out of a movie theater in LA the other night. I was SO excited to see you, as I'd never seen you in person and have always wanted to (especially since you were on the jury at Sundance a few years ago and I missed you). However, instead of being the nice, gracious, kind person you should have been, you were a terrible, awful, rotten, mean shrew who lies. Yes, I realize I was a 12-year-old around you, gushing about my love for the show, but that's no reason to talk down to me and mock me. There's no excuse for that. And saying you "don't take pictures?" That you "don't do that?" Come on. I happen to know for a fact that you do, as my friend Adam got his picture taken with you TWO WEEKS AGO. Mean, rotten, no-good liar. Go choke on your scrubs. If you don't want to keep your fans, you're definitely on the right track. Just keep treating us like dirt....
Man, even your ex-husband, Alexander Payne, was classy enough to take a picture with me. Obviously he was the nicer one of the couple. Were you mean to him, too? You must've been because he's a peach. You, however, not so much. In the future, please try to be a little nicer to people. Seriously. Your communication skills are lacking. Try and work on that. Of course I'll still watch the show, but I'm going to be constantly rooting for terrible things to happen to your character (and you in real life, as well - oops, did I say that out loud?). Your Ex-Fan, Pinky Lovejoy

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