Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An Open Letter to Annette Benning

Dear Annette Benning (aka Wicked Witch of the West), It was thrilling for me to meet you in person the other night as you left the play you're currently starring in. Despite hearing that you were rather surly, I had high hopes that perhaps all the naysayers were wrong. When I saw you signing autographs, my spirits soared and I thought this was finally my chance to get a picture with you. I mean, come on - it's not an unreasonable request. I was at your show. There were five autograph hounds (aka: people who make their living by SELLING these autographs, so they're not even true fans) in front of me and they all got an autograph. I was the only one requesting a picture and it would've taken approximately two seconds out of your busy life to do it. Instead, I was met with the curt response that you're with your daughter and don't take pictures in front of her. Um, what? First of all, you were signing autographs. How exactly is that different? Second of all, your daughter has Annette Benning as a mother, Warren Beatty as a father and Shirley MacClaine as an Aunt. I'm fairly certain she's seen a relative pose for a picture. It's not like I was asking you to donate a kidney. Finally, get a grip. There's no reason to reject a simple request (from someone who'd driven in from another state no less) because of some made-up bullshit reason. No one is buying what you're trying to sell here. Luckily, I'll be back in LA next weekend and am now even more determined to get a picture. I'll be seeing you after each and every show. Yeah, that's right. I'm coming for you, Benning. Get ready. This picture will be mine. :) And if not, I'll just continue to slag you on my blog for the rest of my natural born life. A Disappointed Fan, Pinky Lovejoy

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