Tuesday, March 9, 2010

If Your Updates Annoy Me, You Will Be Hid

I love status updates on Facebook. I do, I love them. I love seeing what people are doing and where they are. I love looking at their pictures and hearing about their lives. These things make me happy. However, there are other types of people on FB who make it hard for the rest of us. You know the types - updating their status updates every two seconds about the most mundane things, talking in ALL CAPS, or tons of mis-spelled words (it makes me crazy). Some people overshare on a regular basis; other people post too much for my liking. So, I hide them. Yep, I do. I've been in quite a hiding frenzy lately - I probably have more people hid than not hid. I just got sick of seeing their quiz reports or "good morning!" messages. Blech. Just tell me something cute and funny and move along. Otherwise, I'll make you disappear. Don't test me. :) I've got a very happy "hiding trigger" finger and I'm not scared to use it.

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