Friday, March 26, 2010

How YOU Doin'?

Funny story about this one - Nicholas Gonzales walked by us in LA while we were outside this celebrity charity event. He was by himself and I knew I recognized him, but couldn't tell you his name or what he played on to save my life. Still, he was WAY too hot to let pass-by without a picture opp. So, I asked him for a picture and he said, "Of course, darling." *Swoon* Oh, and he smelled yummy delish. I could've eaten him for breakfast. Anyway. After the picture, Adam and I feverishly googled "Hot Hispanic Actors" until we finally found him. As I suspected, he's been on a show I watch fairly regularly - the new Melrose Place. There's a ton of other stuff, as well, but no matter. He can star in my dreams anytime he wants. :)

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