Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Grass Is Always Pinker?

So, my ex-boyfriend sent me this email the other night. When we were together (three years ago), all I ever wanted was for him to listen to the CDs I made him (because, as we've discussed, CDs/mixed tapes = true love forever). Of course, now that it's been a million years and he's married to someone else, he finally listens to them. I guess it's true what they say....the grass is always pinker on the other side.


  1. Hey now...I really liked the discs way back when you made them too. I just happened to stumble back across them in my playlist and thought of you :) It was a nice sunny day for some uber cheesy great music and it made me happy. Thought you would have liked to know...

  2. Of course I'd want to know, silly. I wasn't bagging on it. I liked that you told me...but I would've liked it a lot more if you'd appreciated them way back when. I always felt like you hated all the cheesy crap I did.
