Monday, March 22, 2010

The Good, The Bad, & The Indifferent

Today I thought we'd discuss some recent happenings in the Land of Pink - let's call it the Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent. First, the Good: How stoked am I? My perfect timing of my Netflix movies worked out exactly as planned....and season 3 of Mad Men is on its way to me tomorrow. Bring it on! I triple LOVE Mad Men, as you know, and have basically been counting down the days until the latest season was released on DVD. I'm so excited! In other less exciting news (aka the Bad), I no longer have a neverending mooch of a houseguest staying with me. I'd like to say that our parting was mutual and we'll remain friends, but that would be a lie. Instead of having a smooth transition, we had a huge fight and I hope to never, ever see my friend's stupid face EVER again. Seriously. It was bad. That'll teach me to try and help anyone. Why does helping people never turn out the way you planned?
Last year at this time, AFMF and I were reconciling. I hate that I can relate every season to something that happened with us. I suppose I'm not entirely indifferent to him, but I wish I was. I'm definitely getting better. I can almost go an entire day without thinking about him. Progress! :)

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