Wednesday, March 10, 2010

El Coyote Cafe Wants Me Back

When I was in LA a few weeks ago, Adam and I went to dinner at El Coyote Cafe, which was delightful in every way EXCEPT for our grumpy, pissed off server. Now, during the meal he was fine, but once the check came he turned into the rudest man EVER. We asked him to split the bill and he acted like we requested he donate his kidney. Seriously, it was SO awful that Adam decided not to tip him, which is his right after the way the server was acting. And lest you be concerned, there were four of us at the table and everyone else (including me) tipped, so it wasn't like he got stiffed. When Adam returned the tip tray thing, the waiter had the audacity to say, "Thanks for the tip" to Adam. Oh, Hell NO. I wish I could've taken mine back. When I returned to SLC, I sent a comment to the manager telling him how disappointed I was, because everything else was great. Today I received a $30 gift certificate in the mail (!). How cool is that? Plus, he asked that I introduce myself when I come back.....hmmmm. We'll see. Of course Adam is already planning on how we can spend the money this weekend. I suppose it could be fun, but if I see that server, I'm going to have to sit somewhere else.

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