Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ed Harris Hates Me

Did you ever see that movie Milk Money? Where the boy uses his allowance to find a wife for his dad? Too cute. Ed Harris was a dream come true in that movie (as a side note, Melanie Griffith was also in that movie, so perhaps it was destiny that I met them both on the same weekend?). I've always wanted to meet him, so when I saw he was starring in a play in LA, I went to the theater to see if I could get a picture with him. Flash forward to him standing in front of me saying, "I don't feel like taking pictures tonight." Wow. Really? That's a new one. I then proceeded to plead my case that I'd driven from Salt Lake (which, again, was technically true), so he said, "Fine, take your picture (!)." Yeah, he hates me. Seriously, I know it doesn't sound like it was that bad, but I'm telling you - if I could relay the tone of his voice, or play it backwards on a record player, it would say, "I hate you, Pinky Lovejoy." Side note: If you'll notice, I've got a particularly strange expression on my face. See my eyes? That's pure fear. I thought he might kill me. Look at his hand - he could've snapped my neck!

1 comment:

Tracie said...

That's it, if he hates you, then I can't love him anymore....