Monday, March 22, 2010

Diane Keaton: Picture FAIL

As you'll recall, Adam and I seem to have pretty good luck finding celebrities at the Arclight movie theater in LA. When we were there last week, we saw Sandra-I'm-a-bitch-Oh, Mandy Moore, Anne Hathaway, and finally Diane Keaton. Now, I have a confession: I wasn't feeling entirely comfortable with hitting people up as they left the theater. I mean, if it's their premiere or they're at an event promoting something, that's one thing. But, a movie theater is their private time, right? Of course, on the other hand, if they didn't want to be seen they could've gone to a less popular theater, right? I mean, this place was so popular that paparazzi was there! So, when Diane Keaton (and, actually, when any of them came out - except Sandra Oh, and we all know how that went - I made Adam ask first) came out, I pushed Adam towards her. She was kooky. She seemed shocked that someone asked for a photo and said, "Do it really quick." I made the mistake of stepping too far back, which made it impossible for me to get near her after the pic so that I could get one, as well. Oh, and we were kicked out of the movie theater by the overzealous security. That factored into it, as well. I was bummed not to get it, but oh well. If I'd just been braver, I could've gotten it. Fail.

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