Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Thursday Edition

Hello and welcome to Thursday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Lindsay, how many times do I have to tell you? If you keep scowling like that, your face is going to freeze that way. At least I don't have to see the bottom part of this outfit - I'm not in the mood to see your stupid leggings today.So, Jake the Cheeseball and that tramp attended Perez Hilton's birthday bash. Um, what? Who invited these publicity starved losers? The next thing you'll know, one of them will be on Dancing with the Stars. Oh, wait....Billy, honey, I love you, but you do not look mahvelous these days. WTF?!?! Are you OK? Do we need to have a Comic Relief special in your honor? How can we help?While I applaud Molly Ringwald for going with a bold fashion choice and pairing a purple gown with her bright red hair, I worry that it's a tragedy waiting to happen. How many times did she trip? Is that why she was so awkward and grumpy during the tribue to John Hughes at the Oscars?
I'm fairly certain that when Helena Bonham Carter wants to select a new outfit, she walks into the nearest Thrift Store blindfolded and asks them to point her in the direction of anything with a lot of tulle.

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