Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Thursday Edition

Hello and welcome to Thursday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.
Hey Jennifer Hudson: The '70s called. They'd like their hairstyle back.
Dear Shaun White: I realize you're a talented athlete, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy looking at your terrifying face. Looking at you gives me hives more than Carrot Top in a muscle shirt. Blech.
Dear Lady Gaga: I know that flowers in the hair are all the rage, but yours *might* be a wee bit big. I mean, it's bigger than your head for goodness sake.Dear Ke$ha: Unless it's Halloween, there is really no need to ever dress up like a zebra.
Dear Molly Ringwald: I'm thrilled you're looking happy and relaxed because I've gotta admit I was a little worried after seeing you at the Oscars. Honey, you were a hot mess. Good to know it was just a temporary fail.

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