Monday, March 8, 2010

The Award Show Goes On

We now conclude today's Award Show with the following recipients: Most Wanting To Be A Blues Brother Award: Sunglasses at night and inside? Fail.Worst Face While Accepting An Oscar: Sandra Bullock. I can't decide which is worse - her lipstick, or the face she's making here.The Peabody Award: Robert Downey, Jr. Blue glasses and a bow tie? Um....
Biggest Deer In The Headlights Look: Penelope Cruz. I've never understood the draw of this woman. How she's been nominated on multiple occasions boggles the mind.The Put Your Shirt On Award: Miley Cyrus. Seriously. Did she forget her shirt? There's no way the dress was made like that. Also, stop slouching. And get teeth to fit your mouth.The Acid Award: Maggie Gyllenhaal. Was she dropping acid when she tie-dyed this dress? The Biggest Ingrate Award: Some Costume Designer. I've never seen anyone so bored to receive an award, because, you know, she's already got two of these. Poor baby. Your life is so hard.
Best Presenter Pairing/Eye Candy: Gerard Butler and Bradley Cooper. Talk about yum on a stick. I'll take two of those to go, please. YUM.Most Undecisive Dress: Diane Kruger. Was it strapless? Was it furry? Was it ruffly? The only thing I know for sure is that it is ugly.
The Playing Dress Up Award: Chris Pine. Why does he look like he stole his dad's tuxedo and snuck out of the house to play?

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking of you last night while I watched the awards. I knew you'd have good say about it all and I wished I was watching it with you!!
