Monday, March 8, 2010

The Award Show Goes On - Focus on Women

And now the Awards for the women.....
Outfit Prince Would Be Most Jealous Of (or The Barney Award)Worst Hairstyle From The Jersey Shore: Tina Fey. It's not bad enough she's wearing leopard? How much Aqua Net did she use?The What Was She Doing There? Award: Giuliana Rancic. I know, I know, she works for E, but it doesn't change the fact that she's annoying.Most Inappropriate Touch On An Ugly Dress: Charlize Theron's Mom. Are you really copping a feel right there on the red carpet? It's not enough that Charlize is rocking cinnamon bun boobs?
Worst Bottle Blonde: No idea who she is, but girlfriend needs some help on that color. Stat.

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