Monday, March 8, 2010

The Award Show Goes On - Focus on Men

Lest you think my Oscar coverage is going to die out anytime soon, I'm afraid you're wrong. There were just TOO MANY hilarious things about last night which deserve awards all their own. In no particular order, my awards for the men:
Worst Beard: Keanu Reeves. Seriously, if you can't grown one that doesn't just grow in patches, don't sport one.
Most In Need Of A Haircut: George Clooney. Don't get me wrong, you're still hot, George, but come on. Trim it up a little. You look sloppy. The Frankenstein Award: I had no idea Frankenstein was up for an Oscar. The How Did I Miss Him? Award: Fisher Stevens. Don't ask me why, but I love Fisher Stevens. I had no idea he was one of the producers of The Cove, which premiered at Sundance last year. Damnit, that means I missed him at Sundance. FAIL.
The Albino Award: Seriously, did he steal Billy Crystal's costume from The Princess Bride?

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