Friday, February 5, 2010

You Should Be More Like Bradley Cooper

Now, while it's true we met some fantastic people at the festival (hello, Bradley Cooper), we also experienced a few gems who are prematurely getting a little too big for their britches. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that their names all start with J? Who knows? James Kyson-Lee plays Ando (Hiro's sidekick) on the TV show Heroes, which I love. The problem with James? When I asked him for a picture he gave his agent (or publicist or whoever he was with) a look like, "Oh no, not again." Listen, James, I'm not sure if you heard me before, but you're a SIDEKICK on a show with a million characters. You should be thanking me for recognizing you and possibly paying me to pose with you. FAIL. Justin Bartha - While I loved you as Riley in National Treasure, you were only in about five minutes of The Hangover (which Heidi was more than happy to shout out at you when you tried to brush us off). There's really no need to have a security team of half a dozen douchebags to protect you from whatever fans you think you have. Even Ben freaking Affleck didn't have as much security as you. Yes, you did eventually give us a picture, but it was fluke that we found you when we did. Aren't you good friends with Bradley Cooper? Perhaps you should try to be more like him. FAIL.Joseph Gordon-Levitt, I'm afraid you broke my heart this year. As nice and cool as you were last year, this year you were the complete opposite. Every time we saw you, we were told you were "working." Really? Working? What do you think posing with fans is? You're not going to have any left with your 500 Days of Douche attitude. FAIL.Jonah Hill, I might be disappointed in you most of all. I'd envisioned you being happy and jolly and that we might possibly be BFFs. Unfortunately, you're a total douchebag who doesn't have time for his fans. It's even worse that it looks like you ate yourself. Perhaps you ate the part of you that was nice? Maybe that explains your douchebag behavior. FAIL.

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