Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wish I May...Wish I Might....

It almost feels disrespectful to go from talking about someone's passing to some silly items on my wish list, but I'm trying to lighten the mood around here. I was doing some online shopping the other day and came across these amazing items:Why hello there, super cute Hello Kitty Jacket. Where have you been all my life? I know, I know, you're no longer in stock, but I'm hoping if I put this on my blog, somehow the Universe will bring you to my door. It could happen. Shut up.What's this? Christmas ornaments with the faces of my beloved Duran Duran on them? Yes, please. Of course, I'm sure I'd break these in all of two seconds after opening the box, but no matter. Look how cool they are! Plus, there are only a few made. So awesome. What if I wanted four Nicks?This book based on The Brat Pack just came out last week. Of course I'll read anything having to do with anyone on a John Hughes movie - that man was a genius. Make no mistake: This book will be mine. Oh, yes. It will be my mine.

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