Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wilmer Valderrama - Redux

One thing we haven't discussed about this year's Sundance was the fact that I got quite a few repeats (read: celebrities I already have pictures with from previous years). Normally, I won't go out of my way to get another picture with someone unless there was something wrong with the first one (ahem, Ben Affleck), but if they're there and not hard to get, why not? My first example is Wilmer Valderrama. The first time I met him was while he was getting out of a car in front of Harry O's several years ago. He was as nice as nice can be, which was surprising because others have told me he wasn't always like that. I've always loved our first picture together. I think we look like a hot couple (maybe we are and I'm totally holding out on you - ha!).
This year we came across Wilmer as he was literally running down the sidewalk. With my keen celebrity-spotting ability (my skills were on fire that day, if I may say) I recognized him in a flash and asked for a picture. Now, this is where he gets mad props. Obviously, he was in a hurry (hello, running on crowded Main Street? Not an easy thing to do); obviously he had somewhere to be. But, guess what? He stopped anyway and took pictures with all three of us (did you hear that Joseph Gordon-Levitt? He wasn't too busy working to pose with fans. I'm just saying). Wilmer gets big ups for that. Nicely done, cute boy.

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