I know, we've covered this before, but it needs to be addressed again because I'm plagued by this on a continuous basis. Seriously, is this such a hard concept to understand? If you are eating, don't talk. Once again....eating + talking = rude.
Speaking of rude, I know this has been addressed on numerous occasions before, but it continues to haunt me. The next time it happens, I'm going to kick the stall door in, grab the offensive cell phone, and throw it in the toilet. Wouldn't that be awesome?!!? Of course I never would, but in my dreams, Super Pinky would be all over that.
As I was walking into work amidst a ton of snow, this was on a constant playback in my head, "Stupid f*cking snow, stupid f*cking snow" (yes, my head has a potty mouth when it comes to snow). Can't we please be done with it now? That would be great, thanks.
So with you on all of those, especially the bathroom one. Sooooooo rude.