Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Things I Don't Understand

There are several things that I don't currently understand. Being the kind, giving friend that I am, I thought I'd share a few of these random thoughts with you. Where do I get this button? Do you think my IT department will install it?I realize I'm going to get some backlash from all the haters for this, but I do NOT know why this guy is idolized. He's creepy. Look at his smile. Is he insane? Sure, his chest looked nice in New Moon, but other than that, his acting skills are seriously lacking and I don't find him interesting or funny. Yeah, I said it.Where did guys learn this move? Why does every single guy I've ever met have a picture of him posing like this? I don't know any girl that regularly sends out pictures with a cell phone in front of the bathroom mirror. Was there a class in Guy School that I missed? Kellan Lutz. Ick. I can't even. Why does anyone find him attractive? I think he seems better suited for a clown than some sought after actor. The new iPad. Isn't this just a bigger version of the iTouch or the iPhone (only you can't make calls)? It seems like one of those huge calculators that people can't see might use.
Apparently when Justin Bieber visited some mall overseas there was such a frenzy that they had to whisk him away and cancel the event. Really? For him? Look, I'm the biggest supporter of girly looking men there is (hello Nick Rhodes), but I don't see the star factor here. The only thing I know for sure is that Justin doesn't have anything on my boyfriend Ricky Schroder.

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