Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sundance FAILS

OK, what I'm about to say might surprise you, but it must be said: I LOVE Pauly Shore. I do. I can't help it. I love him like a fat kid loves cake. I've loved him since he came to the mall in my small town and kissed all the girls in line (sadly, we weren't able to go.....curses.....). I've seen him perform live once, but he didn't take pictures afterwards. Fail. Imagine my surprise to learn he was at Sundance this year, but, somehow, we missed him there, too. How do I miss him?!?! How? I don't know how I would miss him. Ever. Luckily, I just found out that he'll be here next month performing at a local comedy club - I can't wait! :)Do you know who also was at Sundance? That's right - Mr. Steve Sanders himself, Ian Ziering. Apparently he's there every year. How many times have I seen him? ZERO. WTF?!?! How do I miss him EVERY year? I don't get it.
To complete the trifecta, Scott Wolf was, once again, roaming Main Street (he even lives in Park City) and, of course, I sitll haven't seen him. Why do I always miss him?!!? I give up. I'm never going to meet Ian or Scott. Insert sad face here.

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