Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sundance FAIL #2: Tommy Lee Jones

The first time I saw Tommy Lee Jones was at the premiere of his film The Company Men with Ben Affleck. Onstage he didn't seem particularly surly, but I did notice that he was the only member of the cast who ran off after the Q&A and didn't take pictures. I thought maybe he was just in a hurry.The next day we had a moment. I was walking out of the restroom in the Eccles theater and the lobby was almost empty except for a few random workers, me, and Tommy. As I came out into the lobby we locked eyes and slowly started walking towards each other. I realize it sounds like some crazy movie moment and, trust me, that's exactly what it felt like. We kept our eyes locked as we came closer and closer together until we were standing face to face. He said, "Hi" so I said, "Hi. May I get a picture with you?" He replied with, "No" and walked away. I was stunned and kinda shocked. I may have even looked around to see if I was being "punk'd. Later on in the day we ended up seeing Tommy all over Main Street and as the day went on he got grumpier and grumpier. This is my favorite picture of his face because it's exactly how he was - mean mean mean! I still can't believe he pushed a girl out of the way when she asked for a picture. I mean, what has he even done since Men in Black? Shouldn't he be lucky he's got any fans left? Sheesh. Get a grip, Tommy Lee. You are a major FAIL.

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