Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sundance FAIL #1 - Amanda Peet

It pains me to say this, but I've been a long-time fan of Miss Amanda Peet. I've suffered through show after failed show (including Jack and Jill - which I'm sure you've never heard of, but that in itself shows my devotion to her). However, my days of being a fan are over. I'm sorry, Amanda, but you are a huge douchebag and a major fail in my book. How dare you make promises and not keep them? Now, granted, you're allowed to say no to a picture. I'll slag you on my blog for the next 100 years for doing so (especially at your own movie premiere - and really, don't you need all the fans you can get? What have you even done lately?), but you can say no. However, if you say (like a big baby) that you need to sit down for a few minutes and then you'll come down, then you had better well come down. Don't say you're going to do it if you have no intention of doing so. That sucks. Even Dax Shepard followed through and I'm a way bigger fan of you than of him (correction: I WAS a fan of yours). If you decide to get out of your seat and then go SOMEWHERE ELSE, then you suck. Also, if after the movie you are standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME and then say NO to the picture, then you are the biggest douchebag alive. Seriously. WTF?!?! We are officially breaking up. Sucks to be you.

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