Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Sundance Enemy: Overzealous Security

Obviously, I'm thrilled by my Sundance pictures this year. I was incredibly lucky to have met the people I did. However, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the common enemy we found over and over again: Overzealous Security. These would either be 100-year old men at the theaters (see picture of the enemy to the left), or the stupid orange jacketed security teams located outside. It's exactly because of these idiotic enemies that I missed out on the following photo opportunities. To this, I say phooey on them. Jerks.
The first intrusion was the mean orange jacket outside of Orlando Bloom's premiere. People, he was rightthere in front of me and agreed to a picture with us (read: me, Hiba, and Heidi), but the stupid orange jacket girl became a defensive tackle. Jackass. Luckily, Hiba and Heidi went back after and got a picture with him, but I went to Adrian Grenier's movie instead (because he was the last one on my list to get and I really wanted to get that). Drat. Oh well, I'm sure I'll see him again, right?
The next defensive tackle was by another orange jacket, only this time it was at a different theater. I'd tapped Bill Pullman's back, he agreed to take a picture, and then the jerky orange person pushed me out of the way. Damnit! I love Bill Pullman.
Finally, Chace Crawford escaped because of the overly zealous volunteers inside the theater who make human chains to block out fans. Classy, right? Now, I understand being protective, but, really, there's a limit. Plus, if they say YES to a picture, then back off! Sheesh. All these people trying to thwart my plans. This is why I always prefer to get pictures one on one at some public venue (like a street). No stupid blockers there (well, not as many, at least).

1 comment:

  1. Get an orange jacket next time. I'm sure one of your connections can help you score one. Then you can point to the orange jacket you're wearing and smile at them when they try to foil your plans! Or, I'll follow you around with a video camera and we can pretend we're interviewing people for a teen blog or something...
