Monday, February 8, 2010

R.I.P. Samsung Camera

It is with deep sorrow that I announce the demise of my brand new Samsung dual-view camera. Much like a new relationship, I had high hopes for this camera, but, also like a relationship, it has let me down. We'd discussed my fear over the camera going off prematurely, but it got even worse than that. The shutter ceased to open and the pictures were blurry. Even if I changed the settings, they wouldn't hold and would reset themselves after each picture. Yeah, that won't do AT ALL. Do you know how quickly we take pictures at Sundance? You've got about one second and if the camera fails, then you're S.O.L. I couldn't risk it, so I used the old tried-and-true camera for the whole festival. I finally contacted Samsung this weekend and they're going to take the camera back. Thank goodness. I'm sad to see it go, though. Actually, I'm just sad it didn't perform like I thought it would - I thought it was the perfect camera. Oh well.

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