Thursday, February 4, 2010

An Open Letter to Rude Celebrities

Dear Mean-Celebrities-Who-Are-Too-Good-For-Their-Fans, We get it. You're famous. You're sick of the attention. You can't leave your house without a moment of peace. Waa waa waa. Guess what? You're also loaded and get tons of free crap on a regular basis. From what I understand, you chose this profession, so get a grip. Now, to those celebrities who choose to come to a Film Festival to promote their film, you've got to expect people to ask for pictures. And, guess what, when at that premiere, it's a good thing to be nice to your fans (especially when your film is less than stellar). Yes, I think there are boundaries (if you're at the hospital, out to dinner with family, etc.), but a Film Festival is open game. Likewise, if you're at a festival and walk down, oh, say Main Street (the biggest street with the most people watchers), don't be a douchebag and say no to a fan's request. I don't care if you're in a hurry. I don't care if you're sick of it. If you really care this much then DON'T WALK DOWN MAIN STREET. There are a ton of celebs (Mariah Carey, for example) who are completely elusive and don't walk around. Whatever. Their prerogative. I'd much prefer that than someone who walks openly around but is a jerk. In conclusion, part of your job responsibilities (I'm looking at you Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is to be nice to your fans. Perhaps you think it doesn't matter and you'll still be famous? Whatever. I, for one, will not see the films of people who are rude (hear that, Samuel L. Jackson? Suck it) and I will scream to high heaven that you are a terrible person. Thank you for taking a moment of your precious time to read this. I still think you suck. Disdainfully, Pinky Lovejoy

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