Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Favorite Sundance Movie This Year Was.....

happythankyoumoreplease. Yes, that's the name of the movie. happythankyoumoreplease. It stems from the premise that you should be continuously grateful for everything you have in your life and be constantly thanking the universe, "Thank you. More please." So sweet. So beautiful. The film was directed by Josh Radnor (who's most likely about to serve me with a restraining order any second) and has three separate yet intertwined storylines. The dialogue and situations were just so modern and relatable. I loved it. Heidi and I literally sat there the entire time just saying, "I love this. It's amazing." It didn't surprise me at all that it won the Audience Award in the Dramatic Competition. It's the 500 Days of Summer for this year.

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