Friday, February 5, 2010

This Year's Most Random Sundance Pictures

The best thing about the festival are the really obscure celebrities you find lurking around. Seriously, they have no business being there (as they're not in any movies and perhaps haven't worked in ten years), but they proudly strut around. Of course, if I were some washed-up celebrity, I might go to Sundance for a good ego stroking when I was down. Don't judge me. LeVar Burton from Reading Rainbow and Star Trek. I'm not going to lie - he was a little creepy. I'm pretty sure he was trying to inappropriately touch The Pink. He said some slimeball thing when the picture was being taken. Yuch.Jay Thomas was wandering around aimlessly outside a coffee shop we were at. Hiba and Heidi had no idea who he was. It's Eddie LeBeck from Cheers, people! Total legend.I have no idea what Danny McBride has been on. I'm sure it's some slapstick comedy because he does look super familiar, but he just happened to be there so I asked for a picture. The funniest part? My friend Steve Love WORSHIPS Danny and had a heart attack when he saw this picture. It's so bizarre who people lose their shizz over (says the person who's loved Ricky Schroder for 25 + years).OK, I'll admit it: When I first saw Shar Jackson, I was like, "Um, I'll pass." But, who am I kidding? She's still a bit of a legend, right? I mean, the ex-wife of Britney Spears' ex-husband is still a pseudo-celeb. Plus, apparently she won some celebrity rap contest (which Heidi rapped to her). Shar was super nice and called us all baby.
Cisco Adler was the biggest surprise to me. In case you didn't know, Cisco used to date my BFF Lindsay-I'm-not-wearing-pants-Lohan. In all their pictures together, he didn't look very attractive and I never understood the draw (but then again, when do I ever understand Lindsay?). To my shock, he was MUCH cuter than I thought. Even kinda sexy. Weird.

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