Thursday, February 4, 2010

Most Embarrassing Moment of Sundance

As we've discussed before, there are certain celebrities who make me lose my shizz. Having had my celebrity goals this year, you'd think I'd be able to casually talk to the ones on the list. Wrong. Surprisingly, I was able to talk to James Franco fine. Ben Affleck? No problem. Adrien Grenier? No worries. However, Josh Radnor (aka the least known celebrity on my must-get list) left me tongue-tied. Go figure.Location? My shuttle stop, the day of Josh's premiere. The scene? I was casually doing my job when I see Josh drive up (he was in the passenger seat) into my stop. The exchange? I walked over to the car and had Josh roll down the window. I then *tried* (tried being the operative word) to instruct the driver where he needed to drive to enter the theater. Unfortunately, my tongue decided not to work. Seriously. I was mute. Josh had to actually say to me, "Come on, you can do it. Spit it out." Lovely. Even worse? A little while after that exchange, Heidi and I were sitting in the theater waiting for the movie to start and Josh walked by. I yelled out, "You made it!" like some starstruck moron. Heidi was like, "What is wrong with you?" I have no idea. Needless to say, everytime we saw Josh for the remainder of the Festival (which was approximately 2,054 times), Heidi hid me so that I couldn't say something else ridiculous.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I belive the exscat quote was "Josh!! Ya made it!!!" hahaha
XOXO I loved it!