Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gripping Headlines

It must be a slow news week, because these are apparently the most exciting stories ever: For some reason, every time I read an article about this Growing Pains actor (who's been where for the past 20 years??) gone missing, I thought he was on Family Ties and could not figure out who he was. Duh, he was on Growing Pains. I never liked that show. I do find it interesting that some bit player can drum up so much support. I didn't even remember he existed until now. ***THIS JUST IN*** Kirk Cameron sends this message out to his old friend, “If you’re reading this, please call me. Mike and Boner could always work things out when they put their minds to it. I'm praying for you, pal. Hope to hear from you soon.” Hi, Kirk? Those were FICTIONAL characters, but thanks for playing anyway. Glad you could have 15 more minutes of fame.Really? This is newsworthy? Come on.I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Lindsay saying her love of WOMEN is a bit of a stretch - considering that Samantha Ronson is the manliest looking girl I've ever seen. I'm just saying.

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