Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Family Feud Makes Me Happy

Long ago and far away, when I was home on medical leave after my car accident, I spent my days watching TV. Hey, I had a gimp arm, there wasn't much else to do. I planned out each day by the TV line-up: soap operas, talk shows, and then, finally, my beloved Family Feud. I would watch it every day without fail. I love this show and have missed seeing it. Imagine my delight to discover that it shows daily on the ION channel. Hooray!
I can honestly say that I'd be an excellent candidate on Family Feud except for one thing - I can't stand stupid people. Yesterday (I'm not even kidding here) the question was, "Name something with claws" and someone actually said, "Christmas." The worst part is that their teammates said (like always), "Good answer. Good answer." You know what? That was not a good answer, that was awful. I wouldn't be able to stand there and say "good answer" when someone gives the dumbest answers ever. I'm fairly certain you'd be hearing this come out of my mouth on a regular basis, "Are you kidding me with that? Come ON!" I would, however, rule at the bonus round (lightning round? Fast money? They keep changing the name). That's my favorite part - especially when they choke on easy questions. How hard is it to say easy things in a hurry? I love it....put me on the show already! :)

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