Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Entertainment Overload?

Something is wrong with my inner clock. I don’t know what and I don’t know why, but for the past few weeks, I wake up every day at 5 a.m. Every day. Even weekends. Now, usually I’ll get up, look at the clock, and go back to bed. But that’s not the point. Why 5 a.m.?!? Am I on Italy time or something? I don’t get it. I suppose I could blame it on an entertainment overload last night, but that would only explain one night, not several weeks. Oh, what was my overload, you ask? It began at Wal-mart when I was lured by the cover stories on two magazines to purchase them immediately (Cosmo told me “what his texts really mean” - who could pass that up?? – while US revealed secrets and old pictures of the Final Four on the Bachelor. Who knew Vienna was even uglier? Oh, wait. Everyone). Once I was home I embraced my renewed Netflix membership (hello, old friend) and watched Adam, an adorably quirky little love story from Sundance last year, and Post Grad, which was predictable but cute enough. To top this off, I downloaded the soundtrack from the movie I’m dying to see, Valentine’s Day, and am already completely and totally in love with it. I haven’t been this stoked on a soundtrack since Bridget Jones’ Diary, with which I had a very long-term relationship. I love new music! Plus, that movie is going to rock my world. With the exception of Jessica Alba and Biel, what could be bad? McSteamy? Fab. McDreamy? Yes, please. Bradley Cooper? Well, now that’s just a grand slam of yummy treats. It’s almost not fair to the other movies. Unfair advantage. I’m not sure how I’m going to feel about Julia Roberts hitting on my boyfriend Bradley Cooper, but we’ll see. She seems too old for him. He should be with someone more his age. Like me.

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