Friday, February 19, 2010

Colin Hanks - Redux

I first met Colin Hanks several years ago on Main Street - the same year he was in a film with his dad. While I was excited to get a picture with him, I remember him being in a bit of a hurry (even though he was only standing on the street talking to someone) and said we could take it if it was quick.
This year we saw him on Main Street again and, in true Colin-like fashion, he said we could get a picture if we hurried. Now, granted, we're used to this and can take a picture in a .2 seconds flat, but I think it's funny when someone is always "busy." Our friend Adam calls celebs out on that. If they tell him they're in a hurry, he'll say, "Really? Where are you going? Don't you appreciate your fans?" Basically he guilts them into pictures. It's awesome. :)

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