Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Celebrity Wrap Up - Thursday Edition

Hello and welcome to Thursday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. You know, there was once a time when I found Thomas Jane to be quite sexy and was a bit envious of what's-her-name Arquette. Those days, I fear, have passed.
OMG - Julianne Moore must've come into my house and stole my prom dress. That bitch.Katie, I know it's hard being a prisoner and having people take your picture all the time, but could you please take a minute and brush your child's hair? That'd be great.I'm actually surprised Britney thought tulle could (memo to Britney: it doesn't) pass as a dress first. This seems like something more like Lindsay would wear. She's probably pissed she didn't think of it first.Oh, hell no. Why am I hearing the Chiquita banana song in my head? My name is Chiquita banana....(that's how it goes, right?).

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